Awarded documentary "Hail Arcadia" by Filippos Koutsaftis in Athens and Thessaloniki theatres on Oct.15
After his success of his film-documentary "Agelastos Petra" director Filippos Koutsaftis visits another historically and emotionally charged land.
Hail Arcadia is a a journey to a place that is haunted, even today, by the myth of an enigmatic epigraph. Et in Arcadia Ego. A collection of fragments. A salute, brief and ambivalent, like the passage of the runner who crosses the plain of Tegea at midnight. Capturing moments in the infinite line of time, depicting fractional images of a divinely inspired Nature, interweaving mythological and historical accounts, gleaning fragments and whispers the cinematic gaze attempts to record the identity of a place that confronts and is confronted with the great philosophical questions of life.
Koutsaftis not only is the director but also the writer and the photography director of the film. "There are emotionally and historically charged places throughout Greece. However, Arcadia holds and bears myths and stories unknown. The myth of "Blissful Arcadia" that came from the West. The believed that if there is a heaven in eart, a dreamland with social justice, innocent love and measure this is Arcadia. This is a story we do not know very well. But in the west, from the Roman era to the days of the Enlightment, they strongly believed it. Even today there is an Academy in Rome with the name "Arcadia". We must retrieve the parts that bring back our relation with our country on stage. To find again our identity".
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